I enjoyed my judging and was very welcome. The gathering organised by the Welsh exhibitors was a real treat, with Welsh cakes, Bara Brith and Pimms, on what turned out to be a hot afternoon.
Class 459 PD (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1965 QUINN, Mrs R L & O'BRIEN Mr A B Araceta Dreamscape
Strong puppy, good bone and substance. Excellent angles fore and aft. Dark eyes and pleasant expression. Moved a bit prancy but when he slowed down he improved, saying that he is only young but this would become a habit if not corrected. BP
Class 460 JD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1958 OWEN, Mr K J & BRODIE Miss Z L S Luckhurst Nebo To Wolfscastle
Lovely head and expression. Good width in front and well laid shoulder, well angulated rear quarters. Correct topline to well set long tail. Very pleasing youngster, moved soundly.
2nd: 1947 DAY, Ms E & O'BRIEN Mr M Celticmoon Shadow Warrior
Also just out of puppy so still has a lot of maturing to do. Pale brindle with good depth of chest and spring of rib, well laid shoulder but not the angles of 1st.
Class 461 PGD (5 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: 1967 SCHAANNING LING Mr & Mrs A F Beardswood Quiver
2 year old dog, lovely head ears but would prefer a darker eye. Well made, deep chest, strong loin and good bone. Nice shape standing moved ok; just wish he did not have a ring in his tail.
2nd: 1936 ASTON Mrs A Stranwith Slate To Balgaled
Nice male but lacking in body but depth of chest is there. Well laid shoulder, good length from hip to hock, adequate bend of stifle, well carried long tail.
Class 462 LD (6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1962 PEACH Mr M J & Mrs G M Greyflax Taylor Made For Kilbourne
All male but not coarse in anyway. I like my males to have lots of substance but also retain their houndyness. Grand spring of rib and depth of chest. Good front and return of upper arm. Moved with purpose with lots of drive. Only a young dog so still maturing Doc CC
2nd: 1959 OWEN, Mr K J & BRODIE Miss Z L S Wolfscastle Draig
Another very likeable male, Very strong boy, loads of substance, super angles fore and aft. Grand depth of chest, strong loin and in good muscular condition. I would not want any bigger but well balanced.
3rd: 1944 CODD Mr & Mrs S Kilbourne Webster At Gazeawhile
Res: 1968 SEYMOUR-JACKSON Mrs L B Ghiltan Hero
VHC: 1956 LLEWELLYN Miss K A Matahari Menjangen
Class 463 OD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1942 BAUMANN Mrs S Lux Ch Regalflight Tarloch
Best head so far. Strong neck into well laid shoulder. Good front, firm loin, little flat on the back but nice rear quarters and spring of rib. Very houndy, typical of the breed moved well Res CC
2nd: 1971 STABB, Miss T & TAYLOR Mr R Laird of Summerisle
Overall a well balanced male. Well bodied, good depth of chest and spring of rib. Complementing front and rear angles. Nice feet. Expression just spoiled by light eyes.
Class 465 PB (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1934 ADAMS Miss B My Enchanter Of Ardneish
Very pretty bitch 10 months. Lovely shape, good depth of chest, correct topline and fallaway. Nice quarters moved well considering the ground. Super temperament owner should have a good future with her.
2nd: 1945 COOPER Mrs J F Cudish Treacle Moon At Chapeltower
A different type but a nice girl. Good front and feet. Not angles of 1st but adequate. Long tail, moved quite well.
Class 466 JB (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1952 HELPS Dr S A F & Mrs H B Beardswood Rhymi
Lovely houndy type, excellent course coat. Correct topline of good length and fallaway. Super head, strong neck. Good bend of stifle, bone broad and flat . With long strides and powerful rear covering the ground.
2nd: 1963 PEACH Mr M J & Mrs G M Nimloth Brooke Of Kilbourne
Lovely type in super coat and muscular condition just preferred the neck and front assembly of 1st. Her spring of rib was superb and she moved well.
3rd: 1937 BAILEY Mr G & Mrs N B Greyflax Dear Prudence
Res: 1974 WILBRAHAM Ms J Ardlancien Elona
Class 467 PGB (6 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1966 QUINN, Mrs R L & O'BRIEN Mr A B Hoddingrey Terrona
A bitch with loads of substance. Excellent body condition, grand depth of chest with plenty of heart room. Good neck, fabulous shoulder and topline with good fallaway. Nice feet and tail. Super refined head under masses of coat! Moved soundly.
2nd: 1938 BAILEY Mr G & Mrs N B Greyflax Just Peachy
This bitch had lots to like. Very pretty head, eyes and ears. Good return of upper arm. Well tucked up with a deep chest, long sweeping hind quarters. Nice feet and long tail with slight curve. Moved and handled well.
3rd: 1949 ELLSE Miss J Kilbourne Unity
Res: 1953 HELPS Dr S A F & Mrs H B Beardswood Quintessence
VHC: 1969 SEYMOUR-JACKSON Mrs L B Cassacre Aelfrida of Ghiltan
Class 468 LB (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1964 PURSGLOVE Mr K Stranwith Aria at Roguesmoor Sh.CM
Really liked this bitch, my kind of girl. Lovely head and expression. Excellent slope of shoulder and upper arm. Grand length of back and well angulated hindquarters. Moved steadily but maybe needs a little more enthusiasm. Res CC
2nd: 1960 PARSONS, Ms S & MCKINNON Mr T A Claonaiglen Fionnelighe
Another nice bitch, lovely to go over very firm throughout, Well balanced and in excellent muscular ciondition. Little flat in topline but good fallaway. Good feet and bone, well presented.
3rd: 1957 LLEWELLYN Miss K A Matahari Mermaid
Class 469 OB (6 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 1940 BARTER, Mrs S E & CHRISTIAN Mrs A B Hoddingrey Strahanna Of Ehlaradawn
Strong bitch very sound and very much fit for purpose, after all this is a hunting hound, but she still maintained her femininity. Excellent topline, well muscled and angled hind quarters. Grand depth of chest and spring of rib. Moved with style, well handled. Bitch CC and BOB Delighted this gave her the crown.
2nd: 1939 BAILEY Mr G & Mrs N B Ch Greyflax Crystal
Many of the same attributes, carrying a little extra weight after her maternal duties but still maintained her elegance. Good expression, da\rk eyes, neat ears Grand depth of chest, well muscled rear.
3rd: 1973 TAYLOR Mrs S J Kilbourne Baccarat To Ormanstar
Res: 1961 PARSONS, Ms S & MCKINNON Mr T A Claonaiglen Mallie